Incentive Programs
Program #1: Elementary-Age Seller Incentive Program
For every new sale level you achieve, you receive a new prize. Plus, you keep all of the other prizes you've already earned!
*Prizes may be subject to change based on availability.
- Sell 3 items, win a mini putty
- Sell 5 items, win a light-up ball
- Sell 10 items, win a Frisbee
- Sell 15 items, crack your own geode
- Sell 20 items, win a water squirt toy
- Sell 25 items, win a brain puzzle
- Sell 30 items, win a beach towel
- Sell 50 items, win a voice changer
- Sell 75 items, win a LED, hand-operated drone
- Sell 100 items, win a gesture-sensing RC car
- Sell 200 items, win a Bluetooth LED hover board
Program #2: Middle School-Age and High School-Age Seller Incentive Program
Choose between either Dutch Brothers or Subway Gift Card at any prize level!
First Place: $30 Dutch Brothers gift card
Second Place: $20 Dutch Brothers gift card
Third Place: $10 Subway gift card
**Minimum of 300 total sales to qualify for this program**
You will have customers who will be asking you ‘When are you selling Pastry Puffins?’ It is always nice to have people want the product you will be selling.
Blair High School - FBLA Group Leader
Not only do Butter Braid® Pastries taste amazing, but they sell themselves. Combine that with the best dealer supporting you, and it equals success. I can’t wait until our next fundraiser!
Alicia - Group Leader
These hazelnuts have awesome flavor! Try a package, and I bet you’ll want another!
Paul - Customer
What a wonderful experience! We have done cookie dough fundraisers with other companies before but never has it been such a great experience.
Amber - Group Leader